KDD 2023 Workshop on Knowledge-infused Learning

I am an assistant professor of Computer Science and an affiliate faculty member of Ebiquity Research Group at University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). In the past, I have hold the position of Senior AI Research Scientist with the Knowledge and Dialog team within AI Center at Samsung Research America. I was a visiting researcher at the Alan Turing Institute. I have been awarded PhD in Computer Science from the Artificial Intelligence Institute at The University of South Carolina in 2022, where I was advised by Dr. Amit Sheth. My Ph.D. research was supported by University of Chicago's Data Science for Social Good Fellowship, AI For Social Good Fellowship from Dataminr Inc., EPSRC-UKRI grant through Alan Turing Institute, and NSF-EAGER on Knowledge-infused Learning. Prior to this, I completed bachelors and masters in Computer Science and Software Engineering from Netaji Subhas University of Technology(East Campus) and Delhi Technological University, India, respectively.

🚨At UMBC CSEE, I will be starting a reading+research group: Knowledge-infused AI and Inference( KAI2). For preface, there are some useful Youtube Videos on Knowledge-infused Learning. KAI2 Website Coming Soon. Till then, please drop me an email if you would like to join.

Research Interests

I have broad interests in knowledge graphs and machine learning (in particular deep learning) for application into natural language processing, recommender systems, and computational social data science. My research is mostly directed towards: I recently gave a tutorial on Knowledge-infused Reinforcement Learning at Knowledge Graph Conference, which is one of core AI areas I am interested in. I am fascinated about interdisciplinary research as it provide practical means to make real world impact. I collaborate with domain experts in mental health, crisis informatics, conversational AI, virtual health assistant, and digital security. I also have been a co-organizer and a strong proponent of two communities: Knowledge-infused Mining and Learning and Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology.


Prospective Students:

I am actively looking for skilled and self-motivated student to join my group! If you are interested in working with me, please apply through the UMBC PhD program and mention me in your application.

UMBC Students:

  1. If you are already a graduate student at UMBC, feel free to reach out.
  2. I am also accepting undergraduate students for senior thesis advising or independent work. I also recommend you take CMSC 678 (or at least one of Machine Learning or NLP or Knowledge Graph classes) before getting into knowledge-infused learning research.

I also have weekly Open Session for UMBC and Prospective students (undergraduate and graduate). If you would like to discuss any topic with me, feel free to sign up for them (15-minute each; Multiple booking is also possible.)

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